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Saturday, April 4, 2015
Vue Lite and BFF
Hey guys, I hope you all are enjoying this WONDERFUL weather.. I know I am! Today I'll be going over my 2 favorite items right now; Baby Jogger Vue Lite and JuJuBe BFF Charcoal Roses diaper bag. First, let's discuss the Vue Lite. This is an umbrella stroller that PARENT FACES! The Vue lite is 3 lb lighter than the original Vue (still a heavy umbrella stroller though). The canopy even reverses so no matter how your baby is positioned, she will still be fully shaded. The only thing that this stroller needs is a bigger basket. The basket underneath the seat is very small and not user-friendly.. However, if LO is world facing there is a pouch behind the seat that can fit a purse, decent size diaper bag, or a small cooler. Secondly, let's go over the JuJuBe BFF diaper bag. This is a large diaper bag that is perfect if you have multiple children. I have 2 under 2 and I am able to fit 6 diapers (3 for each child), 3 burp rags, wipes, hand-sanitizing wipes, butt paste, sunscreen, bibs, and a change of clothes for both children, as well as my cellphone, wallet, snacks, sippy cup/ bottle, and toys/ books. This bag keeps EVERYTHING easily organized as well.. It has 2 bottle holders on the outside, 2 open pouches on the inside, 2 zipper pockets on the inside as well. It also has a separate place to keep your cellphone and then a small mommy pocket for wallet, keys, makeup, sunglasses, ect. You can either where the bag on the shoulder or as a backback. The backpack straps are also cushioned so it doesn't kill your shoulders. If you haven't heard of either items I highly suggest you look at Buybuybaby for both or look on YouTube and watch some tutorials.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Baby Jogger City Select Stroller
Hey everyone! Today I will be going over the pros and cons of the baby jogger city select double tandem stroller. This stroller is so versatile that it makes it one of top selling strollers today. You can parent face, forward face, face each other, use it as a single or a double. It's great for a growing family that's forsure! Now here's my opinion of the city select: it's awesome! Okay, now that you know I give this stroller a thumbs up I have to tell you that I did sell it. "Why" you ask? Here is my reasoning; I have 2 under 2 (a newborn and a 15 month old). The push was horrible when I used it as a double stroller with my two children. I would have to put my LO in the seat closest to me and when my son was on the lower, second seat it put too much weight on the tires and to manuever around the mall and stores it was just too hard. With that being said, it was great as a single and great for older children or children who weigh about the same. As long as the weight is distributed equally the stroller rocks! I will be buying another one in the near future because like I said previously, I LOVE this stroller! But check back in tomorrow because I will be featuring the new Contours Options Elite double tandem stroller... As you can see, I have a slight stroller addiction (:
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